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Unapologetic Ambition


My ambition is unapologetic, and yours should be to.

I find a lot of people my age making excuses for themselves and their circumstances. I understand life happens, it does to everyone, but I've found myself spinning those circumstances into situations that I grow from. I become stronger than my excuses, and do not allow them the space and energy to become obstacles. I know, it's easier said than done (we all have our days), but once you finally get the idea... you will begin to realize that sometimes your best traits are the ones that you have gained from uncomfortable experiences.

Life isn't a box of chocolates, and you can bet on it that you will be tested at some season of your life. Anything that is worth having will not come easy. With that being said, do not apologize for having goals and ambitions. Do not apologize for being that "boujee"  chick that knows what she wants, aside from what she doesn't. The people that take the time to know your goals are the ones you will cherish dearly. The ones that laugh, will be fans later. Do not settle just for the satisfaction of others! In some cases, the people that are the closest to you can be those same people who are secretly looking forward to your downfall. People should nourish and inspire you. This valuable advice came from one of my homies by the name of Will Smith. Recently he mentioned a quote by Rumi in one of his Instagram vlogs that reads:

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames”

You want people around you that feed your flames,  not douse your fireThe people you surround yourself with are going to either make or break your dreams. Everyone doesn't deserve to be around you. 

As I mentioned before, there are so many areas of our lives trying to co-exist and they can with the right plan. I've learned along the way that you can not be successful in life without vision. Any visionary that you know will tell you themselves that following their ambition and achieving their goals was not easy. Do not make excuses for yourself, because in return all you are doing is supplying yourself with an ailment to your own desires. It's about you feeding your flames, not dousing them.

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