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Strength in Healing


Updated: Dec 23, 2020

The older I've gotten the more I've come to know the importance of healing.

Societal norms have led us to believe that suffering and pain are equivalent to weakness, but over the years as I've navigated through my own suffering I've grown to appreciate it. Often times in my adult life I've caught myself suffering from moments of anxiety or doubt that ultimately had stem from past trauma that I had not completely healed from. Even to this day, I find myself triggered in situations unable to clearly pinpoint why I am reacting the way I am.

This is why I think it is so important that the conversation be had on healing. I find it imperative that we all find safe spaces in order for us to properly process the things we have a hard time with. Healing looks many different ways for different people. What works for you may not work for someone else. I even find it true for myself that sometimes different situations call for a different aid in my healing, which is also an important concept.

Often when people are dealing with something they feel as though they have to hide. As if their suffering has no place in the world when in reality everyone is dealing with something, whether it be big or small! I completely understand the Lotus Flower approach though and I believe there is a time and place for that. Just in the same way I believe there is also room for the phenomenon of 'Sacred Suffering' which brings me to my next point -- there is beauty in pain. Suffering does not have to be labeled as weakness, in fact, I believe it to convey the complete opposite in character.

With that being said, I hope whoever is taking the time out to read this does just that....heals. The world needs more healing now than I ever thought it would.

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