I clearly remember this time last year, and it's my testimony when I tell you God did his thing with me. I vividly remember so many areas of my life being broken. So many areas of my life I'd worked hard to build and prided myself on had fallen to pieces in my hands in the matter of months. I look back at the person I was and just remember feeling so empty, and with a sudden realization knew I had to fall to my knees in prayer because God was breaking me so that he could build me and I had to be prepared to receive everything he had promised me.
Now I look at what he's built in me within just a year, and I can honestly say he's restructured every broken area of my life to be stronger. Every single area of my life that I felt had been broken down was rebuilt into something so much more promising. My relationship with God grew on it's own with the underlying foundation being solely based upon my faith in him and his timing. I studied his word, and grew fond of him and his works. His word carried me through this year and will continue to carry me into the next and the ones remaining.
I say all of this to say: yes this year may be ending, and everything may not seem sound. It may even seem quite rowdy where you are...but one thing you must be sure of is that if no one else is listening, that he is. I've seen so many people speaking on their goals for the upcoming year, and their rituals that they stand by to bringing in the New Year...which is all fine, however, for those that haven't gotten to that place they want to be before the clock hits 12 tomorrow night I want you to know that it's a marathon, not a sprint. Sometimes, the best parts of our lives immediately follow after the messiest. It took me a whole year to get where I am today. Like others, I have goals for the upcoming year of course, but it's something about the universe that has led me to not necessarily expect anything from what's to come but rather begin to prepare for what awaits in this next year of mine. I'm not even sure what I'm looking forward to but I look forward to it, and most definitely want to be prepared for it. That means becoming one with persistence. Remaining steadfast in my faith and my relationship with God. Understanding the many foundations of trust with those that are dearest to me. And last but not least, managing the art of accountability.
Everything may not be perfect now, and I bet you in the upcoming year some things still wont be, but I can promise you that as long as you remain hopeful and open to the universe and what is has in store for you that in the end you may just find yourself better off than you were before. Sometimes we just have to push through. Remember it's a marathon, not a sprint.
Happy New Year!